Monday, 12 March 2007

ID card update

The photographer I went to didn't charge us any more than the photo booth and when the town hall official saw the photos he said you couldn't ask for better! They were excellent - partly thanks to Simon, who'd stayed really still and looked straight at the camera. The photographer had zoomed in so that his head looks huge, but since he'll only have his ID card until he's 5, he shouldn't be old enough to be embarrassed by it! At the town hall on Friday they said it shouldn't take more than 3 weeks for the card to be processed, so in theory there will be no problem with us going to the UK on April 7th. I'll still be happier when we actually have it!


Anonymous said...

"L'administration à la française" ... that would be quite a relevant song for the French to sing at the Eurovision contest. But we're already having "l'amour à la française". maybe next year?

deanna said...

of course that is when i am going to be in france. i get there on the 7th and leave on the 15th. i will be in the south visiting with some of my old teammates. we are having a little reunion. i can't believe you are a mum. Simon is so cute!!!

Jo said...

Aren't their passport photos just the best? I love all three of mine! Imogen's new one when we came here (we got her first when she was 6 months) looks like Ally McBeal! Gabriel looks so far off but so serious in his...