Saturday, 31 March 2007
Friday, 30 March 2007
revising theology
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Monday, 26 March 2007
1. I obviously don’t use the computer as much as I thought, as I still had no free time!
2. But if I didn’t have the Internet I would feel very cut off from the world (it’s my main source of news) and from other people (I do get out, but less than before Simon was born).
3. Giving up the computer for a day means I have lots to read (and respond to) when I get back to it again!
So it wasn’t a bad exercise, but I think it convinced me that overall, computers and the Internet are Good Things for me at the moment!
Anyway, on to…
Simon’s news: Simon is becoming more and more aware that his hands belong to him and have their uses. Everything that he can clutch makes its way to his mouth, if possible. So when he lifts his T-shirt up, this has nothing to do with wanting the world to see his vest, and everything to do with the fact that he’d like to see what it’s like to have his T-shirt in his mouth. Unfortunately for him, it usually doesn’t stretch that far! But he makes up for it by putting other things in his mouth, like the pineapple’s feet (see 5th March), his softie, Mummy’s clothes or, if nothing else presents itself, his fists.
He is as smiley as ever, which is a delight, but as uncuddly as he has been ever since he could hold his head up. In fact as soon as he could hold his head up he seemed to feel that he ought to hold his head up, so cuddling just doesn’t work, and if I try it I usually feel two hands pushing hard against me. (Of course, for the moment I’m stronger so I can always insist!) If I want a real cuddle then I have to wait until 11pm after his last feed, when he’s so sleepy he will sleep in my arms with his head on my shoulder … and by then I’m usually feeling as tired as that myself, so don’t make the most of it.
The downside of his growing awareness of the world around him is that when it is unfamiliar, he gets scared! We noticed this last weekend. On Saturday Marc had Open Day at work, so I took Simon along so that Marc’s colleagues and students could see Simon. (And not at all because I wanted to see the chocolate fountain!) However, as soon as he was out of his car seat and coat, and Marc carried him into the noisy main corridor, Simon opened his eyes and his mouth wide and screamed! He carried on crying for ten minutes even after we had retreated into a smaller, empty, side room. So I decided I had better take him home!
It had been extremely noisy at Marc’s work, but Simon reacted the same way when we took him to (his godfather) Pascal’s yesterday for lunch with Pascal and his girlfriend Hélène. I think one of Marc’s colleagues, Françoise, got it right when she said early on that Simon wouldn’t like loud voices because Marc and I are both fairly softly-spoken and rarely raise our voices. At Pascal’s it wasn’t so much loud voices as several voices at once, in a flat with lower ceilings than ours. Poor baby! It’s difficult as a parent to see him looking so upset and out of his element, but I know he has to learn that there are other places apart from home, and that he can still be safe and happy there.
Friday, 23 March 2007
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
three month magic??
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Monday, 19 March 2007
paediatrician visit
Sunday, 18 March 2007
youth group
Saturday, 17 March 2007
Friday, 16 March 2007
latest news
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
pushchair ponderings
Monday, 12 March 2007
ID card update
Saturday, 10 March 2007

family outing
Thursday, 8 March 2007
in the post
passport photos
So yesterday I took Simon to the photo booth to try to get photos taken. I would not recommend this to anyone else who is thinking of getting passport photos done for a baby. Despite Simon being very good, it was impossible to get a photo done which complied with the regulations … in the final result – which you can see below – all the conditions are fulfilled … except that you can see me. And even if I’m not recognisable, we decided not to risk sending it off just to have it sent back and our application slowed down.
Today I went to a professional photographer and again had to hold Simon, but at least this time a real person was taking the photo so I didn’t have to worry about getting his head in a red circle on a screen! And the photographer can zoom in so that his head is the right size to comply with the regulations. This time I think Simon was even looking straight at the camera (I get them back tomorrow).
On the website with information about British passport photos, they do make some concessions for children under five – they don’t have to have a neutral expression, they don’t have to be looking directly at the camera, their heads can be smaller than an adult head (phew!) – and babies under one don’t even have to have their eyes open. But they don’t say anything about those concessions on the equivalent French site, so I don’t want to take any chances!!
I have heard that occasionally French people flying back to France have a hard time if they just have an ID card not a passport, but apparently on the ferries there is never any problem. I hope not, as I’m not leaving Simon in the UK when we come back! (Even though his family over there probably wouldn’t mind!)
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
I had to wash them all twice before using them, but yesterday we were able to start using them! I’m so happy!
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
cottonwool head
first night
Monday, 5 March 2007
young love
Saturday, 3 March 2007
Happy Birthday, (Grand)mum!
second attempt!
Well, Marc had started his blog so I thought maybe it was about time I got one going again too. But I started one a few days ago and it seems to have become detached from my Google account and I can no longer get into it! So here goes again, firstly with the entry I made on February 28th!
My last blog tailed off during pregnancy, when I found nothing left to say except "isn't pregnancy long?!". But life with a baby is definitely more interesting than pregnancy, and I know there are people out there who want to have regular updates on Simon's life, so here goes...
Life with a baby is anything but predictable. You can have days like yesterday, where he screams - who knows why? - all day except feeds and a couple of quiet moments on my lap, and days like today, where the little angel gazed intently at me throughout our supermarket shop, had a lovely giggly playtime with me when we got home, and now is spending all afternoon sleeping peacefully in his carry-cot next to me.
So today Mummy is actually getting stuff done - preparing youth group while checking messages on her BabyCentre forum and drinking mint-and-licorice infusion. *yummy*