Friday, 11 May 2007

Weekend III

Tuesday was still the weekend – yay! – and we drove back up from the Auvergne, stopping in St Etienne for lunch with our friends Pete and Rachel, and their six week old baby, Anna. They are missionaries who are planting a church in the south of the city. It was great to see them, and Simon enjoyed making friends with Anna!

The rest of the journey was long, and I couldn’t blame Simon for being a bit restless. The only real screams we had during the journey though were when he was hungry. And after so many hours of travelling in so few days, he probably thought we’d decided to opt for a nomadic lifestyle. We were all very glad to get home at 7.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Hilary

Great to read the ectended version of your weekend away and Great! to hear about your acceptance by SIM, v exciting!

Hope the decorating situation isn't too disruptive and you are having a good day today!
Much love
Susan x