It’s been a while since I gave a Simon update, so since today we had a visit to the paediatrician, it seemed like a good opportunity!
Today he weighed 6.5kg (14lb 3oz) and measured 62cm, so he’d put on 500g and 2cm since last month. He’s following the growth charts exactly, which is reassuring!
He is still desperate to be able to get about on his own, and is able to roll from his back to his front and vice versa, but doesn’t bother much as he hasn’t realised that that would get him anywhere. But he has worked out that lying on his side to play with his toys is good as it means he can see them better than when he is on his back, and has his hands free, unlike when he is on his front!

He’s still quite a fan of sitting – at least as opposed to lying – though he won’t stay sitting up on his own as he’s always leaning over to try to get to things he can see. He won’t sit back in his bouncy chair anymore, he has to be sitting upright (or looking at his feet!).
Everything he gets his hands on goes into his mouth … unless of course the angle is wrong and when he gets his hand to his mouth he ends up just putting his thumb and/or his finger in! Chewing is a big thing for him, which can be quite painful for Mummy or Papa’s fingers. But his teething ring just isn’t quite the right shape for him to be able to hold it in place for long.
He is now banned from sucking on Mummy’s face (while she burps him) as he sucks way too hard. The beard puts him off trying the same thing on Papa!
And he is *very* vocal!! It can be wonderful to hear him burbling joyfully, but for the last two days he sounded as if he was complaining about everything! Fortunately today he seemed happier, and we had more smiles again.
Today he weighed 6.5kg (14lb 3oz) and measured 62cm, so he’d put on 500g and 2cm since last month. He’s following the growth charts exactly, which is reassuring!
He is still desperate to be able to get about on his own, and is able to roll from his back to his front and vice versa, but doesn’t bother much as he hasn’t realised that that would get him anywhere. But he has worked out that lying on his side to play with his toys is good as it means he can see them better than when he is on his back, and has his hands free, unlike when he is on his front!
He’s still quite a fan of sitting – at least as opposed to lying – though he won’t stay sitting up on his own as he’s always leaning over to try to get to things he can see. He won’t sit back in his bouncy chair anymore, he has to be sitting upright (or looking at his feet!).
Everything he gets his hands on goes into his mouth … unless of course the angle is wrong and when he gets his hand to his mouth he ends up just putting his thumb and/or his finger in! Chewing is a big thing for him, which can be quite painful for Mummy or Papa’s fingers. But his teething ring just isn’t quite the right shape for him to be able to hold it in place for long.
He is now banned from sucking on Mummy’s face (while she burps him) as he sucks way too hard. The beard puts him off trying the same thing on Papa!
And he is *very* vocal!! It can be wonderful to hear him burbling joyfully, but for the last two days he sounded as if he was complaining about everything! Fortunately today he seemed happier, and we had more smiles again.
My nephew is sooooo cute!!! said ruth
my godson is so cute ;)
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