Wednesday, 30 May 2007

church weekend

Our church weekend away was fun and encouraging and tiring!

Fun because there were a good number of people there – 60, which was the maximum number we could have – and because there was a mix of ages and everyone made the effort to talk to lots of different people. Fun too, because although I usually avoid playing games, this time I joined in the “big game” (a kind of quiz in teams) and even played a couple of rounds of Uno on Games Night. And fun because Simon seems to enjoy being surrounded by people and having lots of new things to look at.

Encouraging first of all for my first reason for fun – that we managed to get so many people from church to come on the weekend! Also encouraging because the speaker spoke on “Gifts in the Church” and his teaching was both sound and accessible. He said in one talk that he and his wife, with their 6 kids, have moved quite a lot, but God has always been very faithful and the kids have never suffered in the long run. I know that from my own experience, but it’s still helpful to hear someone else say it.

Tiring because we spent a lot of time with other people, at the end of a very busy week for Marc. We were in a bedroom right at the farthest end of a corridor, which meant it was quieter than it could have been … but had a baby who isn’t sleeping nights yet in the next room, which meant it could have been quieter! When I was woken up by him during the night, I was afraid he’d set Simon off, but no, I heard Simon sucking his thumb, but he didn’t cry.

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