Thursday, 12 May 2011

moving swiftly on...

We have now visited our last church in France and our first in the UK! Our trip from France to the UK was eventful, as our one train from Poissy to Gare du Nord ended up having to be 4! The train we originally intended to catch was cancelled. I don't believe in premonitions, but that didn't stop me having one - when Marc's mum said, "We'll still have plenty of time," I replied, "If nothing else goes wrong, that is!" And sure enough, the train we took half an hour later then got stopped a few stations down by another broken down train blocking the line!

Fortunately a helpful man told us to get onto another train and we phoned Marc's brother Matthieu to get instructions on how to get to Gare du Nord as quickly (and easily) as possible. If we hadn't had Marc's parents with us to carry one of our suitcases and one of our small boys, we'd never have made it. As it was, having left ourselves over an hour to spare, we arrived only 2 minutes before check-in closed - phew!!

Maybe it was just so that when we go back to Benin we aren't tempted to believe that everything in Europe works like clockwork!

Anyway, we've had a good first week back in the UK, seeing friends and family, visiting our old placement church in Hatfield (from our time at All Nations college), preparing for future meetings and making sure all the local playgrounds are where we left them (they are!).

Our final church visit in France:

Our first church visit in the UK:

Playing in my parents' garden:

1 comment:

N.D said...

Merci à la SNCF car j'ai pu ainsi profiter d'avoir pendant une heure de plus mon petit-fils dans les bras!
Nous nous souviendrons tous de ce voyage Pontoise-Paris(gare du Nord ) .