Today had the potential to be stressful. The day before moving day always does, but when your contact for getting a taxi to transport your stuff announces at 9.45 that the taxi you thought was coming tomorrow is turning up today ... anytime from 10 onwards ... well, it is a bit of a surprise, to put it mildly! After the initial shock, I realised that actually we'd managed to be so well-organised (praise God!) that we just about had enough stuff to fill a taxi, so I just threw some more things into a couple of crates and a suitcase, and by the time the taxi eventually arrived at 11 they had plenty.
Here is the taxi getting loaded up...
It actually worked out really well, as all that stuff was out from under our feet, and our friend Abraham who went up to the village with the taxi will be able to get back tomorrow morning and go back up again with tomorrow's taxi (just taking a few last boxes which won't fit in our car). Our bulky stuff left this afternoon on a lorry transporting cement from Lomé (Togo) to somewhere in Niger. We're just hoping no one will tomorrow be getting too excited about what "came off the back of a lorry"! The photo below shows the lorry - though they were going to cover our stuff up with tarpaulin so it wouldn't be quite so obvious!

We have also been very well-looked after, with one or other of our neighbours giving us lunch and tea today, and breakfast tomorrow! Plus another missionary has invited us to lunch en-route tomorrow, and our co-worker up in the village has promised us our evening meal! We do feel very blessed and carried - many thanks to all those praying, too!
Bon voyage!! See you next time you have internet connection - or will that next time you're back in Parakou? :)Hope your stuff "fell off the truck" at the right stop...
Wonderful! PTL! x
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