Wednesday, 17 December 2008

growth scan

I saw the midwife on Monday and she decided to send me for a growth scan, as my bump hadn't really grown since the time before (2 weeks earlier). She got me an appointment for the next day (yesterday) which was good, though when we turned up at the hospital the midwife and consultant said I was very borderline and probably didn't really need a scan but they'd do one since I was there (they were very friendly and nice). I wasn't particularly surprised, as I was no bigger than this, and probably even smaller, during my first pregnancy.

The consultant asked how much Simon weighed at birth, and when I said 7lb 1oz he said, "A Marks and Spencer's medium, then!" ... and when we got the results back from the scan he said I'm carrying another M&S medium baby, and the amount of fluid is normal, so it really is just the way I carry babies that makes my bump look so modest!

And here I am at the end of November, on Marc's birthday, at about seven and a half months pregnant.

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