Monday, 8 September 2008

love and bugs

We have just spent a very happy week with my sister Ruth and her family. They came and stayed at Mum and Dad’s, and Ali took the week off too, so we were all together! That doesn’t happen often, so we wanted to make the most of it. It was the first time I’d seen my nephew, Andrew, since he was about 4 days old – he’s now 17 months and a similar height to Simon.

I was a bit worried that Simon might not want to share his toys with someone else, but the two boys played very happily side by side most of the time. Simon became very attached to his cousin, and whenever he woke would ask for “Andoon”. For the rest of us it was great to have time and space for long chats, shopping trips and walks around the lake!

It was a very sad moment when we had to say goodbye again yesterday, but we try to hang onto the thankfulness that we had the opportunity to spend that time together, rather than dwelling on how much we wish we could spend more time together usually. It is part of the sacrifice of all serving God where we believe He wants us.

A few photos:

"I love my cousin!"

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Ohhh, the hug photo is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen!