Thursday, 2 August 2007

All done!

The move went smoothly and we are safely in England at my parents’. The rest of our furniture was picked up by a friend-of-a-friend and a charity on Saturday, and so in the afternoon we moved out of our flat and into our friends Alex and Guillaume’s flat, which we were sharing not with them but with another friend, Fidèle! A and G have a little boy six weeks older than Simon, so Simon had a proper cot to sleep in and a little bucket bath to try out.

In the evening my sister Ali and a friend of hers arrived with an English van. They did the whole journey over on Saturday, and drove all the way back again on Monday! What stars!! It was fun to have them staying too, despite the exhaustion on both sides! They were able to stay in Kate’s flat. My sister said, “I love it – everyone living at everyone else’s! That’s church for you!”

On Sunday we went to church for our last service there. Fortunately it didn’t feel like it was, and tiredness seemed to be keeping me from feeling anything much more than relief that soon the move would be over! We ate kebabs with friends at lunchtime, and then Marc and his team of wonderful, willing helpers went and put everything left in the flat into the van. We are so blessed by the church family God has given us in Nancy. Finally, Marc and I spent the evening cleaning what still needed to be cleaned in our flat … it smelt wonderfully of wax after Marc re-did the parquet floor!

On Monday the girls had to leave really early with the van, and we spent the morning tying up loose ends – things like getting the keys to the agency. We tried to leave once, and had to turn back after 5 minutes because Marc had forgotten his telephone and Simon had filled his nappy! We eventually got away about midday, and as we hit the motorway Simon was chewing on my hand and I suddenly – and painfully! – realised that he had cut a tooth!! With no fuss at all!

Another highlight of the journey was the meal we had at a motorway service station. It was great, thanks to baby-led weaning! Simon chewed on a bit of bread for most of our main courses, and then tried a bit of burger and a chip! Ok, so not the most balanced diet, but he had had cucumber and nectarine for breakfast!

To be continued…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear your news (as always)...