Sunday 17 June 2007

2nd day of BLW...

… and today we went for broccoli florets. Once he’d got the hang of holding them, he had a good go at chewing on them.

But didn’t seem to like the taste much.

Not that that stopped him from chewing on them again. I’m not sure much went in, but it was a good experience for him and us. Gorgeous green beard he had at the end, too!

I gave him a lump of banana next, which immediately got mushed up in his fist (the bottom dropped off and was eaten by Mummy, never one to waste good food) but some of it ended up being sucked off his fingers.

I feel I should say that this kind of thing is never as easy as it sounds. For a start, “just give the baby something to eat when the rest of the family is eating,” is all very well, but our baby often sleeps at the times we eat. We had been going to give him the broccoli during our lunch, but he was obviously too tired, so it had to wait until after his nap and a breastfeed. Still, he didn’t seem bothered to be eating when we weren’t!

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