Thursday, 28 June 2007
life pottles on...
The weather is quite depressing at the moment. With heavy showers occurring frequently, it puts me off going out with the buggy, though we do get out most days if only for a quite trot around the block.
The moving date seems to be coming at us fast! But I try to fill a box a day – though now that books and winter clothes are packed, when there’s anything else I think I can pack, it probably means we can do without it. So I’m also giving away / recycling / throwing out as much as possible!
Monday, 25 June 2007
BLW in the media
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Six months, baby!
Monday, 18 June 2007
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Stupid blogspot!!!!
2nd day of BLW...
But didn’t seem to like the taste much.
Not that that stopped him from chewing on them again. I’m not sure much went in, but it was a good experience for him and us. Gorgeous green beard he had at the end, too!
I gave him a lump of banana next, which immediately got mushed up in his fist (the bottom dropped off and was eaten by Mummy, never one to waste good food) but some of it ended up being sucked off his fingers.
I feel I should say that this kind of thing is never as easy as it sounds. For a start, “just give the baby something to eat when the rest of the family is eating,” is all very well, but our baby often sleeps at the times we eat. We had been going to give him the broccoli during our lunch, but he was obviously too tired, so it had to wait until after his nap and a breastfeed. Still, he didn’t seem bothered to be eating when we weren’t!
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Baby-led weaning begins...!
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
sent out
I was very touched by how many people came to the meeting, and by their prayers. As I said during our speechy part, I am very grateful to our church, first of all for being a family to me ever since I arrived in Nancy nearly 8 years ago, and secondly for giving me the opportunity to serve. I have been able to use and develop gifts I already knew I had (youth work, preparing and leading Bible studies…), while being encouraged to discover gifts I never dreamt I had (leading singing, doing the accounts…). I don’t think it’s really hit me yet that we’re actually leaving. I’m not sure when it will, as this summer it may just feel like any other summer when we go away for a month or so. There are people I will miss a lot, though, once I have realised that we really have gone!
Here are a few photos of yesterday’s meeting: