The translation team is currently working through Numbers, but this week one of the church elders asked us if we could give them the text of 2 Kings 4 and 5 for the children's camp being held later this month. We said yes, of course!
So the beginning of this week was taken up with converting an old-format file of the draft version of 2 Kings into the format we now use, and then reading through and working on it to make it as accurate, readable and consistent (with other books) as possible. It is important that Elisha and Naaman's names are spelt the same way in 2 Kings and in Luke, that Carmel is spelt the same way everywhere it is mentioned and so on. We have words like "naa" and "na" which we need to try not to mix up, and we had to discuss whether certain sentences were better worded as questions or as affirmations.
In Hebrew Elisha is called the "man of God" in many parts of these chapters, but in Monkolé that just sounded weird, so we put "prophet of God" instead. And we had several discussions about where an extra "i" should be added onto the end of a word ... it sort of gives focus to the sentence ... but I never have much to add to these particular debates, which really need native Monkolé speakers!
We had some interesting discussions as we worked, particularly about Gehazi's behaviour in 2 Kings 5:20-2 (I'll leave you to look it up if you're interested!).
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