Tuesday, 12 November 2013

speaking of clothes...

... I blogged a long time ago about how for special occasions a particular design of material is often chosen, and anyone involved can get clothes made from that material. So last April our whole family got clothes made for a wedding we were attending:

Another popular thing to do is to get T-shirts or polo shirts made for your event. So the first Sunday in November was "Women's Day" at church, and our church had this shirt made:

On the front it says "UEEB (the denomination) Women's Day - CEE (language grouping) Monkolé - 03/11/2013". On the back it quotes Proverbs 18:22, and I was pleased someone came to see me to check the validated translation of this verse. It also meant they got the spelling right!

Sadly, I wasn't here for the Women's Day service ... but I couldn't miss out on the shirt! Not my favourite colours, but it makes a good shirt to wear for work.

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