Wednesday, 30 October 2013

bread or a stone?

Eve was happily munching on a piece of bread at break, so I thought I could have a biscuit and we'd munch together. Hah! As soon as she saw my biscuit she threw her bread on the floor, and pointed to the box where her (special sugar-reduced) biscuits are kept.

Now I'm not against her eating biscuits as a general rule, but the bread was left over from breakfast, and I'm not going to let her skip breakfast and catch up on biscuits mid-morning. So I said, "No!" and rather meanly went on eating my biscuit. She wailed and whined and pointed her finger and furrowed her brow, and generally let me know how unhappy she was … and eventually took the piece of bread I held back out to her and went on munching as if she'd never stopped.

I think there are several things I can take away from this episode. One is just how much you can communicate without words. Another is that being firm can have the desired effect. And finally, the reassurance that our third child is healthily developing her sense of self and her personality!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

sights and smells

It is my favourite season of the year again. I am sure I have already blogged about just how much I love harmattan, but I am ready to annonce it again! The dry season here begins at some point in October, and the harmattan wind starts blowing at some point in the next weeks (usually November). This year it is starting early. One of the things I love is fresh lemons from our tree:

I'm sorry you can't smell the fresh lemon fragrance as we zest or squeeze these little orbs of zingyness!

I love the "monotony" of dry season weather. I never get fed up with knowing that every day will be bright and sunny. In harmattan, evenings and nights are cool, and mornings are fresh. So when the temperature mounts in the afternoon, it's never oppressive as you know it won't last long.

If I have to admit to not liking anything about dry season, then it must be the dust (which gets everywhere, in gradually increasing quantities) and the dry skin on my hands and lips. But I can put up with them*! And with a baby in cloth nappies, I love knowing that any washing will dry during the day.

* Though I do tend to let out a few yelps when fresh lemon juice hits the tiny cracks in my fingers!!