Thursday, 31 January 2013

Getting up-to-date

(Written 22nd January but I couldn't post it before now!)

Sorry about the long silence, due to small baby disruption and a dodgy internet connection! The internet connection has got a bit better recently – for which we are thankful – and the small baby is currently asleep, so I now have no excuse not to blog!

Maternity leave has gone quickly what with Simon's birthday, Christmas, New Year and my parents' visit to us. Here are my parents with me, Simon and Eve in Parakou.

I'll be starting work again on February 4th. I have been into the office a few times to pray with my translators and keep track of their work. In fact here is a photo taken by my dad yesterday, in which I'm helping Pastor Samuel with a computer problem:

The great thing about working so close to home is that I won't have to worry too much about going back to work and breastfeeding. There would be no point taking time out of work to express my milk when the baby can come to me!

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