Well, our house is already built, but we are building on an extra bedroom to give us some office/guestroom space, and a wall around more of the misson's property here. This is a bit of a challenge for our skills and courage, as we have never done anything like it before. I'm not quite sure why I'm saying "we", as it is my lovely husband who is taking most of the stress and strain (I'm just back-up!). Not doing the actual building, but at least coordinating the different workers and sorting out the logistics. (And here is his blog post, in French, about it!)
This is the best time of year to build, as there is no rain. But that means that everyone who wants to build is getting ready to do it now, so we needed to get in early to get better prices on the cement ... or even, to get cement at all!
So on Monday we had seventeen and a half tons of cement delivered, in these 50kg sacks ... each carried on someone's head from our gate to our car port. We've hired a night guard to watch over them!
On Tuesday we were supposed to have 7 skip-loads of sand delivered ... but only 2 got here, and today none ... however it seems that this problem is being solved :o) A lorry delivering sand:
Here is the site of our extension before any work:
Here is the beautiful tree we had to have felled today ... I am slightly consoled by thinking that tucked away behind the house no one actually saw it very much.
Here it is on the ground!

And here are bricks for the extension being made by hand:

I got a great video of a brick being made with commentary by Simon ... but if I tried to upload it on this connection you'd be waiting a looooooooong time for it!
Et bien , comme ils doivent être contents les garçons de suivre toutes ces choses ! C'est ce qu'on appelle les méthodes d'éducation active....
I was waiting pics of the small boys wanting to assist with the big boys building project, but they were with the tree instead. way to go!!
This is exciting news! So glad it is finally happening. We look forward to your instalments on how it progresses. Lisa Sim
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