Tuesday, 9 June 2009

first illness

Not being able to stand up without feeling dizzy or sick is disabling, to say the least, and I wasn’t very happy when this hit me as I tried to cook lunch yesterday. I was sick later in the evening, and was running a slight temperature. I doubt it is anything serious, and it seems to be clearing up already.

I suspect that the heat and general tiredness (due to very broken nights) made me vulnerable to some African tummy bug. It is less worrying when it is me rather than one of the boys, anyway!


Ju said...

Praying for you Hils, hope you are better real soon. xx

Anonymous said...

Poor girly, do hope you soon feel better and no-one goes down with it. xx Mum

Meic Phillips said...

one day, iyeill br your turn for the robustness, till hen, waves of prayer for you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh, sympathies. I know what that's like. Ben and I started feeling a bit yck again yesterday (I think it's our malaria tablets) and it brought back many memories of feeling ill in Africa. What's the temp/humidity like there?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last anonymous was Emma Higgs. Maybe should have signed it?!