Tuesday, 30 July 2013

holidays part two

Our two and a half weeks in the UK were a real blessing too. We had a long weekend with my sister and her family in Bedford – and were warmly welcomed when we visited Christ Church, one of our supporting churches – and had some time at my parents' new house in Derbyshire. The weather was ideal for exploring the beautiful Peak District. Some called it a heatwave, we called it « very pleasant temperatures » !

We also went to the church that Mum and Dad are now attending, St John's Walton, and were briefly interviewed so that people would see who we were. It is great to see that Mum and Dad have found a good church to be part of.

We also had four days in a big house my parents rented so that they, my family and the families of my two sisters could all be together. What a treat! We even had a small children's play area and an indoor swimming pool to ourselves, since no one else was staying in the other holiday cottages!

We are a close family in terms of relationships, but very spread out geographically, so it is really special when we do manage to meet up. It was lovely too to see the three baby cousins born at the end of last year meeting at last, and the older four boys running about playing together.

Me and my sisters (l-r: Ali, me, Ruth):

Monday, 1 July 2013

time off! (but speedy internet - yippee!)

Missionary life is full of changes and transitions. Even when we ourselves stay put for a while, we always have missionary colleagues coming and going, and anyway, it is rare that we stay in the village for more than two months running. What with mission meetings in Parakou and administrative obligations in Cotonou, we find ourselves travelling often within Benin.

This summer (now I'm using European terms!) we wanted to take holidays in France and England to see our families. We are planning to work for 4 years in Benin, followed by a full year in France (with some visits to England), but 4 years seemed far too long for our children not to see Europe and our families, and difficult for us too! So now that we are 2 years into the 4, we took holiday time from this last year and the coming year so that we could spend 5 weeks with our families.

We feel like quite a nomadic family, and our kids never seem too upset by changes in their environment or the travelling itself (for which we are very grateful!).

We are coming up to the end of our time in France, and have very much enjoyed it! A few photos:

Family walks

Happy grandmother!

 In Paris!