Monday, 28 March 2011

tour de france

We have visited the first three churches on our official programme - from top to bottom: Poissy, Chinon and Gap. I love sharing about Benin and our work there, and testifying to what God has done for us. Yes, the travelling makes it tiring, and the boys, while coping well, have at times seemed a bit perturbed at all the changes, but it is worth it!

And I had a lovely surprise at the church in Chinon - a couple who now live in France who I'd known in Yeovil at the age of 17 and not seen since!

We are also enjoying the fact that we are able to see friends on our travels, and spend lots of time talking. Not something we get to do much in Benin (except in Monkolé, which is harder going than French!).

A few more photos from our travels. Chinon:

"Mummy, Benjy wants to hold my hand!"

Some snow we managed to find in the Auvergne:

On the road between Orange and Gap:

Mountains near Gap:

The journey back from Gap was a bit less wonderful, as it was raining and I was very sick. But at least I got that out of the way between Sunday's afternoon meeting and this morning's debrief with our SIM France Director, Jean!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

the other side of the Channel now!

I haven't been so good about keeping my blog up lately, but then being here in Europe is such a change from Benin that I've lost momentum!

How about a couple of quotes which illustrate what it is to grow up in Africa and then visit Europe:

Simon: Papy, do you have croissants in France too?
(Originally said in French of course!)

Mummy: Simon, stay on the pavement.
Simon: What's the pavement?

But we are all continuing to adjust well. After a relaxing time in the UK we are now enjoying some time with the French side of the family, and also had our first meeting on Sunday afternoon at Marc's parents' church. Marc also preached in the morning.

We begin our "Tour de la France" on Tuesday, when we leave for Chinon to visit some friends and speak at their church.

A few photos...

Great entertainment in England:

Simon and his cousin Andrew ... spot the difference!

And Benjy is wearing exactly the same clothes as Simon two years ago, which is amusing when I see him from behind:

We went and visited our friend James' farm:

And now we have crossed the Channel and are testing out French playgrounds:

And French bikes:

I would put photos of our families in too, but it would end up being far too long a post! We are of course loving spending time with them!