Amanaki, Simon and Lupeni in Lyon
Amanaki, Marc and Elias
Mummy and Simon in the sun in Valence
The SIM guesthouse in Orange
Our church was having a special weekend with a guest speaker, Raphaël Anzenberger, and Marc went to the Saturday morning meeting which was a kind of training session on apologetics and sharing your faith with neighbours and work colleagues. We spent some time with our pastor that afternoon, and on Sunday morning went to both the services (9am and 11am). Marc gave a testimony in the first and I did in the second.
As usual, it was great to be back and to see everyone again. Having been there for ten days in August we didn’t feel frustrated at not being able to see people for long, and we ate with a family from church and had a relaxing afternoon with them. It was colder than it had been in Orange, but still sunny and we found yet another playground for Simon to explore!!
We’re now back in Paris for ten days with Marc’s parents, with various people to see while we’re here.
... adventures in language and translation!